Udemy Dual Subtitles

Udemy Dual Subtitles - Subtitle Translator

Subtitle translator for Udemy. Displays bilingual subtitles.

Install Chrome Extension
Display Bilingual Subtitles

Once you select a specific language and turn on the switch, it translates the official caption and displays the translated caption blow with the official one.

Support Course Preview Page

Translated subtitle also displays when watching a course preview video. It helps you better understand a course at first glance.

Support Udemy Business

Not only for personal users of Udemy, but also support business users.

Subtitle Style is Settable

You can set subtitle style like font color, font size, font weight, opacity, background color, etc.

Support Download Subtitles

Subtitles can be downloaded as .txt or .srt format. You can also choose download whether translated subtitle only or both official and translated subtitles.

Support Full Screen

Dual subtitles works normally with full screen. So change your screen size as you wish.

yuji nishimura
yuji nishimura

無料で利用でき、かつ操作がシンプルでとても良いです。Udemy for Businessでも利用できます。

