Udemy Dual Subtitles
version 2.9.0

1. modify website domain to www.udemydualsubtitles.com

2. modify support email to [email protected]

version 2.8.0

1. support download subtitles

version 2.7.0

1. open tutorial page upon install

version 2.6.0

1. add setting - hide official subtitle

2. adjust layout of 'advanced settings'

version 2.5.1

1. fix translated subtitle not shown when official subtitle has a tailing space

version 2.5.0

1. support course preview page

version 2.4.0

1. add 'subtitle style settings', including font size, color, opacity, weight and background color

version 2.3.0

1. fix udemy business support

version 2.2.1

1. adjust subtitle container 'max-width' to lower the possibility of wrap of subtitle

version 2.2.0

1. split translation request to improve translation success rate

version 2.1.5

1. add debug mode to print detailed log on the user side

version 2.1.4

1. fix a bug of license activation

version 2.1.2

1. Support one license for multiple devices with the same Chrome Google Account

version 2.1.0

1. Charge a small monthly fee to cover backend bill

version 2.0.0

1. Use webpack to reconstruct

version 1.2.4

1. Fix official caption menu DOM change

version 1.2.3

1. Add a question icon on the Popup Window

version 1.2.2

1. Fix multiple-line captions not shown bug

2. Fix special character display issue, e.g. '&'

version 1.2.1

1. Fix get curriculumId error when url redirect

version 1.2.0

1. Support Udemy Business

version 1.1.0

1. Add Google Analytics

version 1.0.3

1. Fix several display issue

version 1.0.2

1. Fix several setting issue

version 1.0.1

1. Fix several translation issue

version 1.0.0

1. First release